Hatcher Gun Company LLC

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  HGC Saiga Shotguns 

Hatcher Gun Company offers our customers several variations of the Saiga Shotgun. Every Saiga can be customized to your exact specifications.

Each Saiga leaves the HGC shop with the following features:

Ability to work properly with light 2-3/4" loads and everything else up to and including 3" magnums.
A left side cocking handle removes the need to dismount the gun so your trigger hand can remain on the grip.
          (Benefits include quicker target acquisition and faster magazine changes.)
A reworked and improved gas system to allow for flawless function with light loads.
Each Saiga is test fired with 25rds. of Federal Top Gun 1-1/8oz. 7-1/2 shot 1145 fps. and must fire 25 rounds consecutively.


 HGC Custom Saiga Shotgun                           
HGC NFA Class 3 Short Barrel Saiga        HGC Saiga Accessories               


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Copyright 2015 Hatcher Gun Company LLC.

Address: 76650 Rd. 342 Elsie, NE. 69134

Phone: 308-228-2454

Last modified 10/02/17