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If you have any questions regarding cannons please contact : Dan McClenahan at 307-267-2636 or E-Mail: danmcclenahan@hotmail.com

Cannon Build Pictures

Manufacturing a 3" Parrot Rifled Cannon Barrel







Full Scale 3" Parrot Rifle Cannon

Barrel Sleeve Stock.JPG (127579 bytes)                   3 Inch Barrel Stock.JPG (114877 bytes)                      Dail In Trunnions.JPG (105687 bytes)                                   Cannon Trunnion Jig.JPG (117595 bytes)              Machining Breech Plug.JPG (99238 bytes)

Barrel Sleeve Stock     3" Barrel Stock   Dialing In Trunnions prior to welding     Trunnion Jig  Machining Breech Plug    

Breech Plug 1.JPG (94826 bytes)          Barrel Sleeve 2.JPG (140229 bytes)     Barrel Sleeve 3.JPG (134671 bytes)    Barrel Sleeve 4.JPG (135632 bytes)               Checking Trunnion Fit.JPG (123026 bytes)                     Barrel Finished 1.JPG (120631 bytes)     Barrel Finished 2.JPG (138616 bytes)

Breech Plug              Barrel Sleeve Finished                 Checking Trunnion Fit           3" Parrot Barrel Finshed

Breech Finished.JPG (140309 bytes)                       Axle Work.JPG (78025 bytes)                            Spindle Welded.JPG (90561 bytes)               Axle Machine Work.JPG (170750 bytes)                   Axle-Wheels.JPG (107133 bytes)    

Breech Finished    Axle/Spindles to be Welded       Spindle Welded     Axle Machine Work     Axle/Wheel Check    

Trail.JPG (158987 bytes)             Carriage Cheeks.JPG (131335 bytes)               Carriage Assy.JPG (147451 bytes)             Trunnion Iron Work.JPG (152106 bytes)                Wheel Axle Assy.JPG (138561 bytes)             Washer Hook & Nut.JPG (112789 bytes)

Trail            Carriage Cheeks        Carriage Assy.   Trunnion Iron Work    Wheel/Axle Assy.  Washer Hook/Nut

Trunnion Iron Bolts 1.JPG (138072 bytes)     Trunnion Iron Bolts 2.JPG (137656 bytes)     Trunnion Iron Bolts 3.JPG (111382 bytes)           Elevator Handle.JPG (150742 bytes)            Elevator Assy.JPG (119234 bytes)                Making Square Nuts.JPG (147796 bytes)

Bolts for Trunnion Iron & Carriage         Elevator Handle     Elevator Assy.      Making Square Nuts  

Inletting Elevator Nut 1.JPG (123581 bytes)     Inletting Elevator Nut 2.JPG (102494 bytes)     Inletting Elevator Nut 3.JPG (108104 bytes)           Carriage Assy 1.JPG (142055 bytes)               Applying Carriage Finish 1.JPG (143946 bytes)     Applying Carriage Finish 2.JPG (179940 bytes)               Trunnion Iron Finished.JPG (190720 bytes)

Inletting Trail for Elevator Nut       Fitting Carriage Iron       Applying Carriage Finish   Trail & Trunnion Finished

Parrot Rifle Finished 1.JPG (182553 bytes)     Parrot Rifle Finished 2.JPG (178989 bytes)              Ready to Fire.JPG (181981 bytes)     Fire.JPG (168824 bytes)                             400yd Parrot Target.JPG (77029 bytes)

                     3" Parrot Rifle Finished          Ready to Fire a 10 lb. Shell       3" Parrot Cannon Target @ 400 yds.

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Copyright 2015 Hatcher Gun Company LLC.

Address: 76650 Rd. 342 Elsie, NE. 69134

Phone: 308-228-2454

Last modified 10/02/17